Monday, January 15, 2007

Oz: The beginning

If you're reading this you're probably aware that I've been down in Australia for almost 2 weeks now! So I guess it's time to get the travel blog rolling again and post some crazy stories. Well unfortunately nothing exceptionally notable has happened yet, but I'm working on it.

So to start the first update I'll start from the beginning!...
I left rainy Vancouver at 6pm on New Years Eve bound for Melbourne. Midnight on the plane was rather disappointing....nobody made any noise! And I even brought a noise maker in anticipation but I couldn't bring myself to blowing it whilst everyone slept. We arrived in Honolulu at 1am, but due to the time change we got a second crack at new years 2006. Thankfully this time as we were re-boarding the plane some of us let a few cheers slip out! And to get the complaints out of the way, I flew Air Pacific and wouldn't recommend it...they don't have movies on demand and only have one screen at the front of the plane:(

Arriving in Fiji at 5am local time I proceeded to waste the day walking around. But by 7:30am it was way too hot for me and the winter westerner mode by body was in so I took a half day driving tour of some sights, which was fun enough. Pics to follow...

Finally after 34 hours of travelling I arrived in Melbourne at 11pm on January 2nd, missing New Years Day altogether. Greta was waiting for me beautifully at the gate, and even brought balloons! It was so nice to see her again after a short break apart!

Day 2 (Jan 3rd), my first real day in Melbourne, was spent lazing around while Greta was at work. I met Laura in the afternoon and she took me for a quick tour around the Brunswick part of town, but the 36C heat was too much so I retreated inside for a movie and a nap.

The rest of the went Greta and I just toured around the city and also saw an evening Cricket match with Tom at the MCG. Victoria creamed Queensland! The weekend was spent helping Greta and her parents move the Brunswick appartment since they are selling it. Then Tuesday we went down to their holliday house for the day. But since I'm out of time at the internet cafe I'll save you all the boring details and get some pictures posted someday soon!....

Posted by Evan at 1:14 AM


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