If anyone still actually reads this page sorry for the lack of updates. Lots of cool stuff has happened in the past few weeks, and then with the drudgery of exams posting pictures and such will have to wait. But only 2 more days until the Stat Mech final and then FREEDOM!!
Posted by Evan at 12:52 PM
Little Australia
Went to Whistler this past weekend for a day and a night for some mid-exam fun! It was probably not the best idea since I haven't even started my exams yet, but oh well, it was worth it! Various people left at various times but Matt, Greta and I drove up Friday afternoon to meet the other guys for a night out. We eventually ended up at Tommy Africa's with Julie, Andrew and Kim for some late night drinking and dancing to early 90's tunes. It was one of the most fun times I've had at a club in a looooong time!! But come 1-something-am it was time to head home. We took the bus but got off at the wrong stop, kilometers away from Emerald. So it was in interesting 30 minutes huddling together in the bus stop for the next bus!
Since it snowed all weeek Saturday turned out to be one of the best snow days at Whistler! The snow was light and fluffy! We met up with Mike and Simon and skiied until the very end of the day We had such a fun time we almost stayed the next night to go to a "show", but that would have been a bad idea in retrospect. Instead we stopped at the Brew Pub in Squampton for some good grub before heading back to UBC. A wicked weekend indeed!!
On the ski hill: Julie, Andrew, me, Greta, Simon, Mike, Matt:

Julie, Matt and Greta on the goldola:

Andrew, Kim and me heading up the mountain:
Posted by Evan at 10:13 AM
Round the World
This is just me doing some more procrastination here. This always seems to happen around exam times....that I think about going on a long cycling trip. There are a few adventurous individuals who I follow that are in the progress of round the world trips. It makes for some very entertaining and inspirational reading, and I can't help but dream of one day doing something similar!
There are infinite possibilities when it comes to route planning, and there are a few trips that I have in mind for one day when the school's done and the student loans are paid for. But the two that really tug at my mind are the pan-american route and crossing Asia. But I guess the grand goal is the complete circumnavigation of the globe! But who has the time and/or mettle for that?
So I am thinking that either cycling right out of my front door in Delta and riding all the way South until I hit water or else crossing Asia sound pretty good right about now!
One of the trip ideas I have in mind is the red line below! I figure it would take about 2 years, plus or minus 6 months, going on what other people have done. The blue route across northern Africa would be really cool, but there are a few issues that need to be worked out in some of those countries first. Also the green line would be pretty intense, since not many people go to Oman and Yemen, and for some reason the Northern central Asian countries don't interest me so much.
This is all just day dreaming, so who knows if any of these dreams will happen, but who knows?! Ok back to pretending to study...
Posted by Evan at 3:18 PM
Squamish Chief
After a pretty crazy day at Arts County Fair a short hike Saturday seemed like a good idea for some hangover relief. So at 10am the three Aussies (greta, kim, & greg), the three germans (max, fokko, & martin) and yours truly representing Canada drove up to Squamish for what is usually an easy hike! Well it was only 4 hours long, but damn hard in our sorry state. We managed to "summit" all three peaks and had some fun crawling over the super sticky rock. Despite feeling a little bit groggy all in all it was a pretty nice day!!
First we went over to third peak and had a peak over the edge:

Then over to second peak: Standing at the edge looking down over Squampton:

First peak seen from second peak:

Next came the fun ladders and rocks on our way to first peak:

The gang on top of first peak (so much red!): Kim, Greta, Me, Martin, Greg, Max, Fokko:
Posted by Evan at 10:11 PM
Last Day of Classes!
At last, the day we've all been waiting for! Drinking started at noon and continued till past midnight. Much fun was had and trouble caused.
Tequilla shots at the penthouse roof/bbq around 12:30 getting the day started off right!

Surprisingly this year everyone seemed to manage to make it to the end of the concert at 8pm! Usually quite a few of us drop out early, due to, um, extenuating circumstances. Didn't see as many old friends as other years though, maybe I'm getting old? Also, managed to get pretty rocked in the mosh pit again, walking away with tons of cuts on my legs, many bruises and a sprained big toe and finger! And as an added bonus I lost my cell phone:(
Posted by Evan at 11:17 PM
- You stand in "line-ups" at the movie, not lines.
- You're not offended by the term, "Homo Milk"
- You understand the phrase, "Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my poutine"
- You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars.
- You drink pop, not soda.
- You know what it means to be on pogey.
- You know that a mickey and 2-4's mean "Party at the camp, eh!!"
- You don't hold your hand on your breast when you sing the national anthem.
- You can drink legally while still a 'teen.
- You know that francophones, Anglophones and allophones are not electronic devices.
- You talk about the weather with strangers and friends alike.
- You don't know or care about the fuss with Cuba, it's just a cheap place to travel to and has good cigars.
- When there is a social problem, you turn to your government to fix it instead of telling them to stay out of it.
- You're not sure if the leader of our nation has EVER had sex and don't want to know if he has!
- You get milk in bags as well as cartons and plastic jugs.
- Pike is a type of fish, not some part of a highway.
- You drive on a highway, not a freeway.
- You sit on a couch not a chesterfield - that is some small town in Quebec!
- You know what a Robertson screwdriver is.
- You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.
- You know that Thrills are something to chew and "taste like soap".
- You know that Mounties "don't always look like that"
- You read rather than scanned this list.
And one more:
You know you're from Canada when ...
- You only know three spices: salt, pepper and ketchup.
- You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
- Canadian Tire on any Saturday is busier than the toy stores at Christmas.
- You've taken your kids trick-or-treating in a blizzard.
- Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled in with snow.
- You think sexy lingerie is tube-socks and a flannel nightie with only 8 buttons.
- The local paper covers national and international headlines on 2 pages, but requires 6 pages for hockey.
- You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
- You find -40c a little chilly.
- The trunk of your car doubles as a deep freeze.
- You attend a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewelry and your Sorels.
- You understand the Labatt Blue commercials.
- You perk up when you hear the theme from "Hockey Night in Canada".
Posted by Evan at 4:53 PM