Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Round the World

This is just me doing some more procrastination here. This always seems to happen around exam times....that I think about going on a long cycling trip. There are a few adventurous individuals who I follow that are in the progress of round the world trips. It makes for some very entertaining and inspirational reading, and I can't help but dream of one day doing something similar!

There are infinite possibilities when it comes to route planning, and there are a few trips that I have in mind for one day when the school's done and the student loans are paid for. But the two that really tug at my mind are the pan-american route and crossing Asia. But I guess the grand goal is the complete circumnavigation of the globe! But who has the time and/or mettle for that?

So I am thinking that either cycling right out of my front door in Delta and riding all the way South until I hit water or else crossing Asia sound pretty good right about now!

One of the trip ideas I have in mind is the red line below! I figure it would take about 2 years, plus or minus 6 months, going on what other people have done. The blue route across northern Africa would be really cool, but there are a few issues that need to be worked out in some of those countries first. Also the green line would be pretty intense, since not many people go to Oman and Yemen, and for some reason the Northern central Asian countries don't interest me so much.

This is all just day dreaming, so who knows if any of these dreams will happen, but who knows?! Ok back to pretending to study...

Posted by Evan at 3:18 PM


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