I love the snow!
Yup, that's pretty much all there is to this post. Snow is awesome. It makes everything look so nice and peaceful. At least until it turns into slush by the afternoon, which is when I took these pics:
Where I live:
Fairview alleyway:
The 'view' out of my window:
Posted by Evan at 12:17 AM
wanna be a burner
Burning Man: simply beautiful, a few THOUSAND people on bicycles!!
The other day, whoever (I forgot) said that the 'original' burning man was in/from Egypt is lying. I looked it up and found nothing. The is still the original.
One day my friends, one day...
Posted by Evan at 12:26 AM
As Colin would say: Capers!
What better to do on a Tuesday night after you have finished your really long and hard assignment and it's 2am and you have to get up for a class in 5 hours that you have been skipping for the past week?? Well the answer is easy, BUILD A SNOWMAN!!! Under the cover of darkness and week's worth of fog Ralph, Colin and I snuck across campus and back in the freezing cold and risked being caught by (oh no) campus security or (double oh no) plant ops to bring joy to the faces of weary students trudging to class at 8am Wednesday. We spent over an hour and a half building the thing and managed to snap a few pics before some mysterious plant ops (?) guy came at 2am. So directly in front of the SUB main doors you might have seen this:
Posted by Evan at 11:15 PM
Ecochallenge UBC Trial #2
Today team Frank n' Beans braved the elements and thick fog completing a successful second attempt at circumnavigating UBC via Wreck Beach. At the start, Frank went out hard while beans trailed behind but they soon regrouped and formed their tried and tested 'Cincinnati bowtie' formation, destroying the competition of a few half naked bums. Today's toughest course yet started at Fairview and headed North through the forest to Jericho Beach, the first checkpoint. From here the course skirted Wreck Beach along slippery rocks and logs, past the bunkers to "the sticks". The homestretch went up trail 7 to the Botanical Gardens and finally returning the tired racers to Fairview. Frank n' Beans was the first (and only) team through all checkpoints today, blowing the non-existent competition out of the stinky sea water.
Stay tuned for Eco Challenge UBC part 3 in the coming weeks: the complete curcumnavigation of the UBC peninsula!
Posted by Evan at 1:49 PM
Team Eco Challenge UBC aka Frank n' Beans
Matt Harriman (aka Frank)
Duties: Team Physician, PR and sponsorship director, wardrobe coordinator, environmental conditions specialist
Testimonial: The hardest part of this sport is how it extends into my social life. I'm a mentor to many of my competitors, but it gets pretty awkward when their girlfriends are always flirting with me.
Favorite Quote: "My kind of three way: swim, bike, run" - some guy
Evan Morris (aka Beans)
Duties: Technical Operations, Communications and Navigation, lead climber, beer manager, female liaison
Testimonial: Some people think that racing is about having fun or that it's about winning. For me, racing is all about destroying the competition, and to be frank, that's what usually happens.
Favorite Quote: "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you are still a rat." - Lily Tomlin
Posted by Evan at 1:17 PM
Attention Cereal Lovers....
Do you love cereal, but find it too inconvenient to eat during your morning fury as you get ready for school or work? Well there's no need need to fret any longer, there is still hope for us time challenged! It looks like some people have been very busy at the local thinktank and have come up with this (not so) ingenious solution:
Here's what BevNET Reviews had to say:
Apple & Cinnamon Liquid Cereal definitely lives up to its name as the product truly does taste like apple & cinnamon flavored cereal. With a slight thickness to its body, this product also feels somewhat like cereal in your mouth. The greenish color is probably our biggest issue with this product as green colored milk is typically a sign of some sort of problem. Regardless, this product is fun, innovative, and good tasting so we will cut some slack in terms of the color. Overall, a good product that breakfast cereal fans will definitely enjoy.
And for peanut butter lovers, the first peanut flavoured drink!
PS. No this is NOT a joke, someone is actually crazy enough to think
this is marketable!
Posted by Evan at 12:19 AM
When I was very young and the urge to be someplace was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked...In other words, I don't improve, in further words, once a bum always a bum. I fear the disease is incurable.
- John Steinbeck
Posted by Evan at 5:41 PM
Busy, busy week ahead:
This week WAS supposed to be a slack week, but since we all failed the Optics midterm we have to rewrite that, on top of loads of other work. Here's what's in order for the weekend alone:
Math 400 assignment
Study like mad for Phys 458
Ethics essay and assignment
Loads of project lab work
And a very, very late coop report that I was supposed to write back in September.
So it looks like I won't be going home this weekend, or doing anything remotely fun:(
Posted by Evan at 11:09 PM
It's not who invented the gun, man. It's who pulls the trigger
-Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei
Posted by Evan at 11:31 PM