Hello from Singapore
So as you probably have guessed by now I am in Singapore for the summer, from May to August 2005! I am on Co-op from UBC and working at the National University of Singapore. I am not too sure what I will be working on yet but it involves thermo dynamics research - more specifically applications to coolers and AirConditioners.
If you are anything like me you probably don't know much about Singapore (or at least I didn't before I left for here)...so here's some facts on the city that is a country. It's made up of about 60 or so islands that fit into an area of about 20x40km! Being only 130 or so km from the equator it's freaking hot here - or at least it is for a guy who's used to the wussy Vancouver climate. I'll post some more interesting information about this place later. Until then I need to catch up with jet lag...
Posted by Evan at 6:58 PM