Rain, rain go away...
Oh how it rains here somedays. It's been raining for almost a week with thunderously loud thunder storms and spine-tingling lightening everyday. And when the rain comes down it's not kidding around. I got COMPLETELY soaked just running across a street from cover to cover the other day.
It's not a problem though as you can basically walk around the city without getting wet. There are covered walkways almost everywhere. For example, I can walk from my dorm, to the bus stop, take the metro, and then walk around downtown all day, all under the cover of at least a tin roof! And when you are downtown you don't even have to go outside other than the odd occasion where there is only a (covered) walkway to cross the street to yet another maze of a mall.
I also stumbled across a new invention in the world of malls: slanted floors, eliminating the need to ever take the stairs or elevator again! The whole mall basically spiraled up from the ground floor.
Posted by Evan at 6:18 AM
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